illustration of Jordan Kohl

Learning Object Oriented Javascript

- JavaScript — 1 min read

I've never considered myself a programmer. Developer yes, coder, sure, but not a programmer by any means. Although I took some computer science classes in college, I never learned the basic tenets of programming and instead always learned just enough to get by. Focusing on HTML, CSS, and jQuery has always been enough. With my new position at Incisent, I've had to dive into the deep end of some very complicated, custom Javascript. This code has huge custom classes, uses Underscore, fastFrag, and Lawnchair (three JS libraries I'd never heard of). Although it's easy to fix bugs, given enough time, adding new features the "right way" requires a bit more knowledge.

A few weeks ago I saw this post: learning object oriented Javascript in 15 minutes or less and I knew I needed to walk through it. So I finally did. The best thing about this is that it was short. Like the title says, it took less than 15 minutes and I was able to understand some concepts that were always at the edge of my knowledge. So it was definitely successful.

From there, in the comments, someone linked to this short collection of OO JS articles. These obviously go more in depth and are helping to take my knowledge to the next level. Armed with this new information and I'm starting to really enjoy the challenges at work and I hope to apply what I've learned for some of my own after hours projects.