illustration of Jordan Kohl

Hiding drafts and future posts in Eleventy.js

- Eleventy, JavaScript, development — 2 min read

Now that I'm publishing on a regular schedule, I need a way to create draft posts that can be merged into my main branch without showing up on my production website, as well as scheduling posts to be published at a future date. Thankfully, after a little searching, I discovered that the official docs have a quick tip on doing just that. Or at least there's example code for how to handle drafts and a hint that a similar technique could be used for scheduling. So I cobbled them together, following the advice on future posts from this tutorial.

The basics of how this works is split into two parts:

To figure out if a post is a draft or future post, I created a helper method: shouldHide, which checks if draft is true in the item "data cascade" (e.g. frontmatter) or if the date (also from the data cascade) is set for a time in the future.

However you probably still want to see your draft and future posts while developing locally (while in serve or watch mode), so the 11ty docs wisely suggest wrapping this in a check for just that. This works by adding a hook on eleventy.before that sets a new environment variable: BUILD_DRAFTS.

The result is that drafts and future posts show up while serving your files, but not when doing a production build. Here's all of the code to handle this, that now lives in my config:

const shouldHide = ({ date, draft }) => {
  if (process.env.BUILD_DRAFTS) {
    return false
  const isDraft = draft
  const isPageFromFuture = date && date.getTime() >
  return isDraft || isPageFromFuture

// When `permalink` is false, the file is not written to disk
eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("eleventyComputed.permalink", function () {
  return data => {
    // Always skip during non-watch/serve builds
    if (shouldHide(data)) {
      return false

    return data.permalink

// When `eleventyExcludeFromCollections` is true, the file is not included in any collections
  function () {
    return data => {
      // Always exclude from non-watch/serve builds
      if (shouldHide(data)) {
        return true

      return data.eleventyExcludeFromCollections

eleventyConfig.on("eleventy.before", ({ runMode }) => {
  // Set the environment variable
  if (runMode === "serve" || runMode === "watch") {
    process.env.BUILD_DRAFTS = true

Since my build output is still a static site, there's no way for the post to show up unless I do another build after the publish date. I haven't figured out an automated process for that yet, but I'm sure with Netlify it's possible. For now, I'll just manually trigger a new deploy through the UI.